
The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 05.04.2014 14:35
von The_Only • 11 Beiträge

Huhu , everyone . As you may know , im The_Only , ex TP , The~Sacrifice .
Im here to join you , Turmi gave me that opportunity .
So here's some info about me :
Im 18 years old guy , living in Russia . My hobbi is fencing . Love to listen to EBM music like Combichrist .
The reason why i want to join ya is that im tired of endless TP's sonata "you lag" , btw some of them called me cheater and BB undercover .
I killed them on my Defiance char . And then wrote that im leaving . I know much about BB , many members and i hope to find real fun here .
Now about my skills :
I found myself very skilled in PvP , know many tricks etc .
Played FL for 8 years at all , first single player , then Void server and finally came to HHC . Im here for 2 years , maybe more .
I know everything about gameplay . Ready to help ya with clanmissions , kiling your-mine enemies .
Waiting for your answer .
Cheers , Only .

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 05.04.2014 15:17
von [BB]-Turmfalke • 1.683 Beiträge


we´ll discuss it internal, nice to see you here :)

Leader and Founder of BB

Zitat von Deluxe
PvP Skills: Oberes Mittelfeld

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 05.04.2014 15:19
von Fear • 25 Beiträge

Welcome here

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 06.04.2014 21:24
von [BB]-DunklerFalke • 297 Beiträge

Rusrus)))). Hi Sacri

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 08.04.2014 13:12
von The_Only • 11 Beiträge

What i should do now ? Could you give me some trial tasks ?

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 08.04.2014 22:57
von [BB]-Turmfalke • 1.683 Beiträge

We´re still discussing :) You´ll receive an answer soon.

Leader and Founder of BB

Zitat von Deluxe
PvP Skills: Oberes Mittelfeld

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 09.04.2014 17:16
von [BB]-Turmfalke • 1.683 Beiträge

Trial ;)

-> @ Sacrifice

Leader and Founder of BB

Zitat von Deluxe
PvP Skills: Oberes Mittelfeld

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RE: The_Only (Sacri)

in Bewerbungen // Applications |Freelancer| 09.04.2014 17:26
von The_Only • 11 Beiträge

Thanks a lot :)
@Turmi i got a problem with link that you gave me . Thats what it says :
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