
Hello BlackBirds!

in Diplomatie 07.11.2011 08:53
von The~Gudrun • Besucher | 2 Beiträge

Hi, I am Diplomat of T~P, I think you know me and you know that T~P and BB set +30 to one another.
But we have some problems. We also set +30 to 3MAJ clan, because they help us vs our enemies (btw they changed rep to Ryo from green to 0 after friendship with our clan and they set to BB +40 so you are would be green for them if they`d have rep).
But yesterday 3MAJ-tkora was attacked by Raubvogel+
(char -3MAJSTALKER3MAJSTALKER<llll : 70:3
But when come [BB]-Raubvogel+ and he kill me too??? i was disaponted.."

I asked Turm to ask your, BB members, dont attack 3MAJ clan, they won`t attack BB first. But it seems not all know it... Or not all agree with that...
So I ask you again officially- if we are friends now, pls dont attack our other friends (we have not so much really helpers now- just 3MAJ and Imperium have +30 to TP from really active clans, apart BB).

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RE: Hello BlackBirds!

in Diplomatie 07.11.2011 22:44
von Seugi • 64 Beiträge

Hi Gudrun

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RE: Hello BlackBirds!

in Diplomatie 08.11.2011 16:20
von [BB]-Turmfalke • 1.683 Beiträge


we´ll discuss intern about.

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RE: Hello BlackBirds!

in Diplomatie 09.11.2011 06:51
von The~Gudrun • Besucher | 2 Beiträge

Hi, Seugi, I am glad that we are again in friendly clans

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RE: Hello BlackBirds!

in Diplomatie 24.11.2011 19:49
von [BB]-Turmfalke • 1.683 Beiträge

Hi Guddi,

sorry, but 3MAJ will be set to -100% like always.

See you.

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